Album Review: Limited Edition EP by G-Spot

Album Name: Limited Edition EP
Artist: G-Spot
Year/Label: 2003 / Independent

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Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds

This is a review of the EP which served as a prelude to a CD that was released in 2004. They were attempting to raise money to release it. The option is now closed.

“Revolutionary” has an 80s feel to it. It could have been in the movie “Valley Girl” (that’s a compliment in case you were wondering).

When “Nut in Your World” was on my co-worker came in and said, “Cool music! What is this?!”

The rest of the songs are equally fun, cool and rockin’ with a titch of slower emotional pop rock.

Crank it up and jump around your room like crazy.

Posted on December 15, 2003

Track Listing
1. You Are the One For Me
2. Nut in Your World
3. Buried
4. Sweet Lies
5. 1000’s of Kisses
6. True North
7. Piece Of
8. Who the Hell Are We
9. Why

[G-Spot Official Site]

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