I’m dwowning! I was just going through my review rotation (all the artists who asked for reviews and that I’m listening to on shuffle) and I realized I’ve got some from June still!! Yikes!! I have 71 albums! No wonder…
Category: Amy’s Ramblings
Oh you know, I got ’em just like eveyrone else.
Just a note…
I just looked at this site in the Internet Explorer and it looks like crap. It doesn’t load the content where it’s supposed to be. It loads the sidebars at the bottom of the page where there’s no content….It’s all…
Some changes around these parts.
Several years ago a trusted friend, who is also a fabulous musician, told me that with regard to reviews, I have very little credibility because I “like everything”. Well, I don’t. Trust me. I’ve gotten some stuff that I’m pretty…
See ya!
By the time you read this, I will be on a plane to Miami. We’re going on the Cayamo cruise!!** So I won’t be updating this much. I do have some reviews scheduled for many of the days, but not…
The dog ate my homework
Seriously….The puppy ate my flash drive. My life was on there. Including all the CD reviews I’d written in the last month. I actually backed up about 2 weeks ago, most of the stuff on that drive, so I can…
Today’s Ponder
I’ve never before received a CD where the artist basically told me I’d probably not like it. Yep, it actually said on the accompanying letter something to the effect of “and if you don’t like it, which is highly likely…”…
Have you heard Ingrid yet?
Guys, Sorry I haven’t been posting as often. Collected Sounds’ kitty went missing this weekend and I’m kind of a wreck. If you live in Minneapolis please keep an eye out for her [see her ad on Craigslist] If not,…
25, er 16 Albums That Changed My Life
I’m finally getting around to this. Actually I started this a long time ago, just getting around to posting it. I still didn’t even do the assignment correctly. No wonder I hated school. 1. [Sarah McLachlan, “Solace”] My roommate at…
I’m in trouble.
This came into my inbox today. I showed it to my husband and he said, “Oooh Angie’s gonna cut you!” (PS, yes, I know it’s not actually Brad Pitt. It’s some tech company that put that as their name.)
Please help if you can
[Click here] for more info. But beware if you read the text on that page you’ll probably cry. I did.