1. Of all the bands/artists in your cd/record collection, which one do you own the most albums by? Sarah McLachlan. I have a ton of bootlegs. 2. What was the last song you listened to? Cellar Doorby Holly Brook 3.…
Category: Amy’s Ramblings
Oh you know, I got ’em just like eveyrone else.
My Digital Rant
I am seeing an increase of records that are being digitally distributed. This means that there is no copy for sale at CD Baby, or Amazon or at your local store. You want it, you go to the website named,…
A personal note and warning!
People, watch your drinks! Just a note out there to all my readers/visitors who go to bars, coffee shops, etc. Please please, watch your beverage at all times. Take it with you to the bathroom. Don’t rely on your tablemates…
Broken CDs
In case anyone doesn’t believe how important it is to write “DO NOT BEND” on a CD package…this is what I received today. I’m sad because it’s a CD set that I was really looking forward to hearing. Eh, it…
My Very First Post
I like Blogger, I decided to use this as my Amy’s Corner form now on. At least that’s my plan. We’ll see if it sticks. No news yet today…except that I read that Britney is really and truly preggers. Hmmmm…