Album Name: Arcana Eco
Artist: Ataraxia
Year/Label: 2005 / Ark Records
[Buy at Ark Records]
Review by Anna Maria Stjärnell
Ataraxia is a neo-classical group with a number of releases under their belt. This new cd comes with a book that I’ve seen a few lovely extracts from.
The music is great too. Francesca Nicoli’s singing on “Cobalt” is simply stunning. She half-sings operatically, half-speaks the words.
“Astimelusa” has neat Spanish guitar by Vittorio Vandelli and a heavenly lead vocal.
“Fire in the Wood” has more rhythmic guitar playing. It conjures mystical images with its faerie tale mood. Nicoli’s very strong singing makes it great.
This album is only seven songs, but they’re all good.
Posted on October 23, 2005
Track Listing
1. Cobalt
2. Astimeluesa
3. Mirsilo
4. Fire in the Wood
5. Nossa Senhora dos Anjos
6. De Pourpre et D’Argent
7. The Island of Doctor Moreau