Album Review: Bandito by Robin Aigner

Album Name: Bandito
Artist: Robin Aigner
Year/Label: 2009 / Satan’s Whiskers

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Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds

I knew that I’d like this record when I saw the cover art. Sometimes I’m wrong about that, but usually the art is a good indicator of what’s inside. In this case, I really liked this the first time I heard it, and it’s grown on me with each listen.

There’s a sort of back woods, earthy, roving gypsy, feel to this. Robin Aigner’s voice has a perfect swoony, dirgy quality balanced by some nice harmonies. The songs are interesting and don’t go exactly where you expect, which is always a plus for me.

There are plenty of instruments taking center stage here depending on the song; piano , banjo, fiddle. I love strings, they add so so much to a song.

My current favorites: Delores from Florence, Found, and Wrong Turn. I also like the duet called Get Me Home. It’s cute!

This is a really fun album. And I’d love to see Robin Aigner on Cayamo next year!

Track Listing
1. Pearl Polly Adler
2. Delores From Florence
3. See You Around
4. Irving and Annie
5. Found
6. Mediocre Busker
7. Wrong Turn
8. Get Me Home
9. Great Molasses Disaster

[Robin Aigner Official Site]

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