Album Name: Chameleon
Artist: Colleen
Year/Label: 2001 / AG Music
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Review by Anna Maria Stjärnell
Dutch singer Colleen sounds uncannily like Tori Amos at times, but not overly so. Her songs are delicate and forceful like her singing.
The twangy “The Sky is Falling” has great harmonies. “Hey” is sweet and catchy and might have wandered off .Little Earthquakes.
The deftly paced “Sweet Silence” is another great song.
Colleen’s debut is lovely and certainly deserves investigation.
Posted on May 10, 2002
Track Listing
1. The Sky is Falling
2. Sweet Silence
3. Chameleon
4. For You
5. Hey!
6. Can Do without You
7. Got nothing Else to Think About But You
8. Haunted
9. Damn Dogs
10. Time of the Day
11. Mr Spider
12. When You Fall
13. I’ve been Lonely