Album Name: En Saga Om Sten
Artist: Karin Ström
Year/Label: 2007 / Datadamen Records
Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds
I reviewed Karin Strom’s EP back in 2004 when she was with Nettwerk (a.k.a. home to Sarah McLachlan). After spending about 20 minutes trying to navigate their god-awful website, I learned she’s no longer with them. Of course I could have saved myself a lot of time by looking at the album, which clearly says “Datadamen Records” right on it! Sheesh, sometimes I wonder how I manage to get through the day.
That previous EP was in English. This release is in her native, Swedish. I have no idea what she’s singing about but it’s lovely. Actually she has been kind enough to translate the lyrics into English on her website.
I’m not sure how to describe her music. It’s electronica, but it’s kind of pop-y too. There’s a bit of 80s new wave at times.
Her vocals are soft, whispery and breathy and layered in nicely. It’s lovely, soothing. On “Definition” she reminds me of the Cocteau Twins. There is also a ghostly haunting quality to the way it’s mixed at times.
Karin Strom has a very unique and wonderful sound and deserves to be heard by many.
Oh and “En Saga Om Sten” means “A story of a stone” in English.
Posted on January 29, 2007
Track Listing
1. Mänsklig
2. Besjungen/förbisedd
3. En saknad lika häftig
4. Betydelsen av rum
5. Psykos
6. Klaustrofobi
7. Definition
8. Sneda ögons vakenhet
9. Stillbild
En saga om en sten