Album Name: Fourth, Part One
Artist: Deleyaman
Year/Label: 2010 / Equilibrium Music
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Review by Anna Maria Stjärnell
Deleyaman are an ethereal band with a wealth of influences on this new album.
Singers Beatrice Valantin and Aret Madilian have lovely voices that compliment each other well. They use the duduk, an Armenian wind instrument that gives them a unique sound.
Stay On sees Madilian singing a soft tune and getting to a calm state easily. The song is just gorgeous.
Roses has Valantin softly evoking something like a calmer Dead Can Dance. The melody barely moves, but lingers like smoke in the air.
Jardin sung in French hardly advances the tempo, but has a light rhythm that makes the loveliness acquire an edge. Madlian’s brooding vocals briefly flirt with Brendan Perry’s sorrowful swoon.
Fill my Heart brushes past sort of barely there but is gorgeous also. It has a nice hymn-like quality to it.
A part two of this is promised and will be most welcome.
Track Listing
1. Book of Change
2. Stay On
3. Roses
4. Aravod Luys
5. Be Still
6. Temples
7. Somehow
8. Jardin
9. Fill My Heart
10. Traffic Lights
11. Arev Tibav