Album Name: Ghosts
Artist: Sharmills
Year/Label: 2004 / Independent
Review by Anna Maria Stjärnell
Shari Mills and Matt Stuttard explore some dark themes on their debut album. Their multi-faceted music flows easily from the speakers.
“The Sleep” deals persuasively with insomnia, and is set to a restless beat. Shari Mills sings as soulfully as she can.
“This Aint So Easy” is trip hop with a seasick groove, Mills acts the diva beautifully.
“The Shocking Pursuit” is a stunning mini rock opera of a song. Jagged guitars and staccato rhythms frame Mills lovely singing.
“Wicked” is a jazzy nightclub number with brilliant torch singing. Mills sings of obsessive love convincingly.
Sharmills are clearly an original and gifted band.
Posted on January 6, 2005
Track Listing
1. Shoes
2. The Sleep
3. Hours of Fun
4. This Ain’t so Easy
5. Mind Yourself
6. The Shocking Pursuit
7. Miss Bunny
8. Wicked
9. The Sunshine Bottle
10. Robotminds
11. Star Noise