Album Review: It’s Not Me, it’s You by Lily Allen


Album Name: It’s Not Me, it’s You
Artist: Lily Allen
Year/Label: 2009 / Capital

[Buy at Amazon]

Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds

I love Lily. If you’ve been checking this site with any frequency you know that. I adore her debut album, ‘Alright Still’ but I think this one is even stronger. Unlike the first record, I really like every song on here.

Her debut seemed a little szichophrenic. Too many different styles, like she was testing them all out to see what fits. I think she’s hit her stride and these songs suit her wonderfully.

Of course there are favorites. The potty mouthed F*ck You is funny and has a very sweet melody to go with those acidic lyrics. I played this for a friend and it was stuck in her head all night. It’s very catchy.

I also like Not Fair. It’s cute and jumpy.

Chinese is another super catchy, poppy number, “We ‘ll get Chinese, and watch TV.” Sounds like every night at my house.

This time I’d say all the songs are radio friendly. Well, radio-sounding, anyway, you know you can’t swear on the radio and this is Lily we’re talking about.

This is a great record and I think anyone who liked her singles from before will be happy with this release.

Track Listing
1. Everyone’s At It
2. The Fear
3. Not Fair
4. 22
5. I Could Say
6. Back to the Start
7. Never Gonna Happen
8. Fuck You
9. Who’d Have Known
10. Chinese
11. Him
12. He Wasn’t there

[Lily Allen Official Site]

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