Album Review: Lost With You by Ellie Lawson

Album Name: Lost With You
Artist: Ellie Lawson
Year/Label: 2011 / Independent

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Review by DaveAdair

Pitching a stall between the vocal quirkiness of Bjork and the searching tones of Alanis Morissette, backed up by a stretching guitar push and toe tapping percussive rubs to illustrate the longing on display, ‘Lost Without You’. Lawson combines aching tendencies with a soothing, yet sombre touch that builds upon a rhythmic platform, providing for movement of the mind and body.

Gospel backing, carefree whistling and a soulful folk feel, lends more pace and a feeling of ease to ‘Change the Way’. Philosophical lyrics bear out the life-delving. An Eliza Doolittle slant to the vocals, underlines the points made about perspectives on life. This approach is immediately contrasted by the pleading, echoing, bass propelled and soul-pop lagged, ‘How Hard We Try’.

Ardent dedication to song and mood building is a noticeable feature throughout the five track EP that builds up a charming pop base, but isn’t afraid to wander off from it. ‘Ba Ba Da’, finishes things off in a chiming, melodious and low-key, lullaby spirited manner. Putting an exclamation mark against previous points made about Lawson’s singer/songwriter prowess and adventure.

Rating: 4/5

Track Listing (note: Track listing may be in a different order)
1. Change the Way
2. Ba Ba Da
3. Lost Without You
4. How Hard We Try
5. Don’t Wanna Be More Than That

[Ellie Lawson Official Site]

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