Album Review: No Going Back by Leiana


Album Name: No Going Back
Artist: Leiana
Year/Label: 2006 / Page Records

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Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds

OK the last record I listened to before this was Kristilyn Robertson. So I nearly went into shock when I popped this one in. I was not expecting this.

The sound is kind of frenetic rock: fast guitars, heavy beats and shouty singing.

Once my ears became adjusted I liked it more. The band is clearly talented. The songs are well written and the musicianship very professional. The vocals are not always shouty either. She knows how to take it down a notch or two when needed (as on track 4, Suffer).

I know they sound similar to other bands but at the moment I can’t think of a one.

It’s not something that I would listen to on a regular basis, personally. But it would be good for ramping up a party. If you’re looking for something to pump (clap) you up, take this one for a spin.

Track Listing
1. 2 B Unkind
2. Can’t Reply
3. Couldn’t Tell
4. Suffer
5. Whichside
6. Bitter
7. Friend
8. Me Again
9. No Going Back
10. Da Vault

[Leiana Official Site]

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