Album Review: Nocturnal Leap by Rebecca Clamp

Album Name: Nocturnal Leap
Artist: Rebecca Clamp
Year/Label: 2007 / Folkwit Records

[Rebecca Clamp Official Site]

Review by Anna Maria Stjärnell

Rebecca Clamp is English but now resides in Finland.

Her debut is a confident record, mostly just Clamp and her piano.

She sings beautifully on opener “Hymn to Chaos” evoking a less quirky Regina Spektor.

“Tower of You” sees a violin added to the sparse sound and it works well. The words are intriguingly odd and insightful.

“Hecate” spins tales of a dark goddess to a nice backdrop.

“The Sad Story of Lola Duchamp”not only has an intriguing title but lives up to it.

Clamp is a promising artist and on this evidence she should be around a long while.

Posted on April 18, 2007

Track Listing
Listen to track samples
Listen to track samples
1. Hymn to Chaos
2. Tower of You
3. Xanthopan Morganii
4. Hecate
5. Paper Boats
6. Again
7. The Moment
8. The Sad Story of Lois Duchamp
9. Isadora’s Alice Party

[Rebecca Clamp Official Site]

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