Album Review: Ordinary Days by Lisa Cerbone

Album Name: Ordinary Days
Artist: Lisa Cerbone
Year/Label: 2003 / Independent

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Review by Anna Maria Stjärnell

After a long absence Lisa Cerbone returns. She has made a record produced by Mark Kozelek from the Red House Painters who also plays on it. Her delicate vocals and sensitive songs are as appealing as ever.

“How You Shine” is a lovely thing. The song echoes recent Innocence Mission in a good way.

“Sweep Your Hair from Your Eyes” is a quietly uplifting song. Cerbone’s voice dances gently round Kozelek’s guitar.

“Araby” tells a haunted tale to a sweet backdrop.

“Beautiful Mess” is the Sundays reborn as a folk band. Mark Kozelek’s voice hovers in the background and sounds right at home.

“Mrs Foster” is another suggestive tale. Lisa Cerbone lovingly details her character’s life.

This album is beautiful and rich.

Posted on September 25, 2003

Track Listing
1. Swallowing Stones
2. How You Shine
3. Sweep Your Hair From Your Eyes
4. Ruthless Order
5. Araby
6. Love Grows Slow
7. Beautiful Mess
8. Dangerous Thing
9. Mrs. Foster
10. Ordinary Day

[Lisa Cerbone Official Site]


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