Album Name: Panamericana
Artist: Las Rubias del Norte
Year/Label: 2006 / Barbès Records
[Buy at Las Rubias del Norte Official Site]
Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds
I wasn’t sure I’d review this one since I don’t speak Spanish (I know, shame on me, but there’s not a lot of need for that here in the frozen tundra of Minnesota). I was afraid I would not understand the music as well as if it were in English.
But the sound is so lovely I just had to keep listening. Las Rubias del Norte (the Blondes from the North) are Allyssa Lamb and Emily Hurst and their harmonizing is captivating.
I’ve always had a soft spot in my musical heart for music that makes me think of Tiki drinks and track one, “Soledad” does that.
“Corazon, Corazon” (track 3) is a delicate sweet song with unison vocals and a light melody. Then we have another “Corazon, Corazon” at track 9. This one is sung by a man and is more of a slow, sexy sort of song. The ladies still sing back up and they sound lovely.
“Baby” (sung in English) is a nice light pop song. Beautiful vocals.
This is a great record for those of you willing to try something a little different than your mainstream pop/rock/folk. You will be well rewarded.
Posted on March 22, 2006
Track Listing
1. Soledad
2. Le Temps de l’Amour
3. Corazon, Corazon
4. Despidida
5. Volver, Volver
6. Cada Domingo a las Doce Despues de la Misa
7. El Relicario
8. Canto Indio
9. Corazon, Corazon
10. Ay Raquel
11. Blue Prairie
12. Noche de Ronda
13. Baby