Album Review: Rachel Sierra Project

Album Name: Held Under the Knife

Artist: Rachel Sierra Project

Year/Label: 2008 /Arthropoda Records

As one might expect judging by the cover art, this is a highly (but well) produced affair.

Rachel Sienna looks like a wee thing, but she’s got a huge voice. I do think at times she sounds angry instead of strong. But she’s good. She’s got a bad girl sexy thing going on.

‘One Last Hit’ is a very big number. Big band, big vocals, horns, big sound all around.

On ‘Cotton’ the band really rocks out. I was going to call this AAA but this song is really pretty rock-ish, however it does have a bit of a jazz style too. Her voice certainly is jazzy, but she also does a lot of semi-screaming, which is a little incongruous.

‘About You’ is a more toned down piano piece (shock! I really like this one!)

Perhaps my ears are ultra sensitive to voices lately as I’m noticing that many artists I am listening to lately sound like they’re screaming to me, and it’s less than appealing. Either that or the screamers have just come out of the woodwork all at once.

I think that Rachel Sierra and her band are quite talented and I can imagine her music being played on the radio and gobbled up by many.

Track Listing

1 The Lion
2 One Last Hit
3 No More
4 Cotton
5 Problems (Book o’ Love)
6 About You
7 Lynnie and the Light
8 In Search of a Sink
9 What I didn’t do

[ Rachel Sierra Project Official Site]

[Buy at CD Baby]


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