Album Name: Ruy Blas!
Artist: Rah Bras
Year/Label: 2001 / Lovitt Records
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Review by Anna Maria Stjärnell
This is a very weird record. It starts out with the new wave sounding “Bababoon” then contiunes with short, spaced out songs.
Rah Bras are a trio consisting of Jean Rah, Boo Rah and Isabellarah Rubella. Great names.
Strange synth lines turn up like they’re auditioning for the next Ladytron record. Isabellarah provides her vixenish singing, is aided by Jean Rah on vocals and the band play like they’re the last band on earth.
“Civic” is smooth and strange with Isabellarah’s voice obscured by noises.
“Nux” is Japanese sounding in a very innovative way.
“Fungry” is catchy and funny with some truly offbeat vocalising from Isabellarah.
I’d say this record rocks because it does, but more importantly it confuses the listener. Which is one thing good music should do, but not often does.
Posted on November 15, 2002
Track Listing
1. Bababoon
2. “arty O The irst art”
3. Civic
4. Nux
5. Scoop Toe Pump Girls
6. Gently Jeanrah
7. Fungry
8. Homofuge
9. Hardoard
10. Spankish Flies
11. Cleavage Multum
12. Bitchin Fissure