Album Review: Say Goodnight by Annabella

Album Name: Say Goodnight

Artist: Annabella

Year/Label: 2008 / Independent

Review by Amy Lotsberg, producer, Collected Sounds

I previously reviewed Annabella’s debut record, Songs of Goodbye back in 2005. I liked it enough to put it in my Top CDs of the year list.

At the time Terri Dittmar’s voice reminded me of Mindy Smith. Hmmm, either I have changed or she has. Because now she sounds very much to me like Harriet Wheeler (of the 90s band, The Sundays). Here I thought I was all unique in discovering that and then see on their CDBaby page, it’s mentioned more than once. Oh well, it’s true. Especially evident on Just so You Know

Annabella continue in the task of creating really pretty music. I know ‘pretty’ is not a very useful term, but, well, it fits. It’s very peaceful, calming. I think I can actually feel my heart rate slowing. My doctor will be so happy.

But I don’t want you to think this means it’s dull or sleepy. It’s not. Dreamy, yes… but sleepy no. And yes, that’s possible. It’s just beautiful. The melodies are charming and that gorgeous voice will keep you mesmerized in a very good way.

Rogue Waves is a stand out for me. The melody is infectious.

Just So You Know is also a favorite.

They actually remind me of Ellery, in more ways than one. The musical style is similar and also they are a one named, 2 person band made up of husband-wife.

But like I said of the first record, if you like one song here, changes are you will like them all. They have carved out a nice niche for themselves.

Track Listing

1 Sun Is King
2 Rogue Waves
3 Beyond the Trees
4 Bring You Back to Me
5 Just So You Know
6 Peach Tree
7 Carousel
8 State of Things
9 Say Goodnight
10 Peach Tree Remix

[Annabella Official Site]

[Buy at CD Baby]


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