Album Review: The New Seed by Zera Vaughan


Album Name: The New Seed
Artist: Zera Vaughan
Year/Label: 2009 / Independent

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Review by Anna Maria Stjärnell

Zera Vaughan follows an [impressive debut] with an equally stirring second album. There’s a trip hoppy vibe joined by some world music touches here.

Opener Empty Spaces has a distinctly moving feel and a peerless lead vocal by Vaughan.

Release the Chains will have its proceeds given to Greenpeace, and it’s mediation on a world gone wrong. Vaughan’s vocal is set against a stripped down backing.

Let’s Pretend is a breakup song pinned by a suggestive beat and with Vaughan singing at the top of her ability.

The Message is slow and has a strong sense of drama. Vaughan’s silky vocal really suits it.

Her new album has a sense of strength despite the softer sound, and it’s well worth hearing.

Track Listing
1. Empty Spaces
2. One More Day
3. Release The Chains
4. My Mind
5. Black Bird
6. Let’s Pretend
7. Where Is The Love
8. The New Seed
9. Silent Bell
10. The Message
11. Was It So Bad
12. Devil Must Die

[Zera Vaughan Official Site]

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