Album Review: Tigers by Lisa DeBenedictis

Album Name: Tigers
Artist: Lisa DeBenedictis
Year/Label: 2006 / Magnatune

[Buy at Amazon]

Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds

I almost didn’t review this record because it has been digitally distributed. Let me clarify. I don’t mind that stuff is available digitally. Actually I think that’s great. But this is ONLY distributed digitally. This means that there is no copy for sale at CD Baby, or Amazon or your local record store. You want it, you go to the website and place your digital order, then download it. If you need more clarification on it and why I am against this, go to my blog entry: [Here]

This record was given to me in the regular format (that is, on a CD) but there is no artwork, no liner notes, and no information about the record or the artist. So I all I have to go on is the press release. At least I get one; I don’t believe you would if you virtually “ordered” the CD. Maybe I’m wrong about that, but it looks like this info is created for press.

The only reason I decided to review it anyway, is one, that I want to get the word out about how digital distro will kill this site, and…that I really like the music. At first it did little for me. In fact, my first listen notes were something like: ‘a little boring…background music’. But upon further listens it grew on me. It started reminding me of other artists that I really enjoy and I came out thinking this was a really nice record.

The sound is ambient dream pop. Lisa DeBenedictis’ voice is very soft and pretty and just falls over the music in a very nice way.

The songwriting is good, interesting, going in places you don’t always expect.

I like this record; I just wish it were more readily available.

Posted on February 7, 2006

Update: July 2008: Since this was written it’s been found on Amazon, a cover art has been done, and it’s become more available.

Track Listing
1. Tigers
2. Below
3. The Magus
4. Pull Up The Shade
5. Lowell
6. Ocean In Her Head
7. The Good Dancer
8. Spin
9. The Alternate World Waltz
10. The Cuckoo
11. Brilliant Day
12. Mystery Song
13. Girl and Supergirl

[Lisa DeBenedictis Official Site]


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