Album Review: Whitebirds by Sarah Fimm

Album Name: Whitebirds
Artist: Sarah Fimm
Year/Label: 2008 / Independent

[Download HERE] click on Music

Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds

I first heard of Sarah Fimm when Anna maria reviewed her record, [Cocooned] in 2002. It wasn’t until she released [A Perfect Dream] in 2005 that I heard the music for myself. I was hooked. I loved this album so much I listened to it ad nauseam. For years. Literally. Tracks ended up on various mix CDs as I grew to appreciate it more with each listen.

So I was very happy to hear that Sarah Fimm was going to release another record. Even more excited to learn it was available for free download. And I am pleased to report that it’s every bit as lovely as I expected.

Her voice has that familiar gorgeous haunting quality. The melodies are interesting and the orchestration is lush and enveloping. In fact, I’d use that word (enveloping) to describe all the aspects of this release for me. I feel like turning it up loud and closing my eyes and just falling into it. It’s very dreamy and emotional and just wonderful.

I am partial to the opening track Counting Waves, but they’re all good.

Head on over to the website, click on Music and get your own copy. And since she won’t let you pay for it, send her a nice note if you like it. And I’m sure you will.

Track Listing
1. Counting Waves
2. Let it Run
3. Tamara Song
4. Afraid
5. Feather (FLY)
6. White Birds

[Sarah Fimm Official Site]

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