confusion; uproar.
a hangover; a severe headache resulting from a hangover.
plural noun: katzenjammers
However, my Alexa pronounces it: KAHTZ-en-yahmmah – which appears to be the German pronunciation. In German, it means Cats Wail (or Caterwaul)
Per Wikipedia: “Katzenjammer was an English-language Norwegian band from Oslo, formed in 2005. The band consists of Anne Marit Bergheim, Solveig Heilo and Turid Jørgensen. Former band member Marianne Sveen left the band in the beginning of 2016.”
The band Katzenjammer is not a NEW discovery but when you abandon your blog for 15 years you discover artists the whole time, without posting about them. You will hear them if you listen to my Amazon music playlist, Ladies Night. Linked over there —>
Even though they’re no longer active, I wanted to feature them because I still listen to their music on a regular basis.
I discovered this group around 2008 when a music friend (from the old Ecto mailing list) who lives in Norway suggested it to me. I was immediately smitten. The first song I heard was “Ain’t No Thang” and I saw the video. I just wanted to be in that boat with them singing and having a grand old time.
Watch video
So I searched out their other stuff and I’m happy to report that it’s all amazing. I particularly like this video for A Bar In Amsterdam. Their “regular” videos are great too, but they’re definitely a LIVE type band so watching them on stage is a treat.
I’m still amazed that they didn’t get super popular here in the US. I’m convinced that it’s just that they don’t have the right exposure. Go listen and if you like them, spread the word! However, I don’t know how much good it will do since they’re not still active.
Listen to Rockland on Spotify
Facebook – they’re still updating this.
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