OK so who knew that
1. Imogen Heap was so popular in Minneapolis and
2. That the Varsity Theater could hold a bazillion people.
I have written my review but I want to wait to post it until I get the photos out of my camera and seeing as how the season finale of “Lost� is on tonight, I don’t see me getting to it this evening. Hopefully tomorrow.
Nutshell: The show was great. Immi is fabulous and Zoe (opener) was also quite impressive. I just wish it were not so freaking hot in the venue and I didn’t like standing for 4 hours. My dogs are barkin’ still even today. I’m too old for this sh*t.
I will update this post when the review is up.
Oops, forgot to update when I posted the review…so sorry…here ’tis: Imogen Review