Something funky is going down in the land of Lilith.
First hear that the Minnesota date has been moved to the Target Center (well known as one of the worst venues for sound). So not only smaller but indoors. I thought maybe they relized it would be stinkin’ hot in the middle of July (I’m kidding, I am probably the only person here who hates summer). Update: there is some speculation that it might be at Target Field, not Center. If so, that’s outdoors and very cool.
Now today they announced that Kelly Clarkson backed out of the our date. It seems to be lack of sales. I just saw this article on the fabulous, [Wears the Trousers] which says that a bunch of the dates have been scrapped all together.
I think also the variety of acts is probably not a selling point like they thought it would be. There aren’t many folks who are fans of both, for example, Mary J Blige AND Kelly Clarkson. And how many people would want to spend a lot of money (in tough times) when there are only maybe 2 artists they like? I think it made more sense it when it was based on folk. OR base it on R&B and have no folk. But the mixture? Doesn’t seem to work.
To be honest, I’m part of the problem. I didn’t get tickets. You all know how much I love my Sarah. But I didn’t care for the other artists (except for Metric and maybe Kelly C) and the last few times we went it was so hot and crowded and uncomfortable that the last time we left before Sarah even started (*gasp* I know!).
I’m ten years older now and even less able to handle extreme heat, sparse bathrooms, $9 water, and rude people than I was then. So I decided not to go. I actually reconsidered when I heard it had been moved. But Target Center? The sound is dreadful there. If it’s Target Field, I may be up for it. Waiting to hear which one it is, but I’ve a feeling it’s the indoor one. Which is all kinds of wrong.
I wish them luck, I’d hate to see this not be a success.
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