Album Review: Unlucky Atlas by Unlucky Atlas


Album Name: Unlucky Atlas

Artist: Unlucky Atlas

Year/Label: 2006 / No Idea Records

Gosh, another hard to classify record. Sometimes I want to say Celtic but it’s not really Celtic, and it’s not really like anything else either. With instruments like the autoharp, cello and mandolin I guess Celtic seems reasonable.

There is an interesting, almost discordant sound at times. It’s haunting and lovely.

The lyrics area also interesting I like the line: “Graveyards make firm foundations for our bright, bright mansions” I can’t honestly say I know what they mean, but it sounds cool.

This is another one of those records that is hard to write about. I like it, honestly. I just don’t know how to explain it.

Track Listing

1. Noble Enterprise
2. Elegy (for Marla)
3. Numbers
4. In Paradisum
5. Great Awakening
6. Jacobian Waltz
7. Forward Presence

[Unlucky Atlas Official Site]

[On MySpace]


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