New Lex Land!

As any of my regular readers know, I simply loved Lex Land‘s debut album, Orange Days on Lemon Street. It was my favorite album of 2009 and I still listen to it regularly. Just played it in my car yesterday, in fact.

So it’s very exciting for me to let you know that there will be a new album out soon. It will be called Were My Sweetheart to Go…

One song from it called Ides of March was used on the show, One Tree Hill the other day; so in celebration, she’s offering up the song as a free download.

What it says on her site:

This song is particularly close to Miss Land’s heart because it was written in memoria of the wee Ulalume, Lex’s six-month-old black lab puppy who passed unexpectedly on March 15th of this last year. While she is, of course, missed greatly still, we are happy to continue the little dear’s short yet unforgettable legacy with something more enduring- a song that hopefully will resonate with all persons, pet-owners or nay. Because don’t we all yearn to find something that lasts? For the little sweetheart that did, in fact, go, we hope you enjoy the first release from the new album.

This is going to make me cry, because our dear old black lab, Bear is spending her last days on this earth with us right now.


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