Single Review: Slivers Of You by Puro Instinct

Album Name: Slivers Of You
Artist: Puro Instinct
Year/Label: 2011 / Record Makers

Review by David Adair

Winding electro tainted pop from Los Angeles’ Kaplan (Piper and Skylar) siblings delivers a sound that pounded Top of The Pops in the 80s, ‘Slivers Of You’. The message is not important, it’s all in the moment from the range of aching instrumentals, to the slightly lurid, echoing yet, occasionally downbeat vocal push led by Piper.

‘I’ve Got Some Happiness (Leland)’, starts off in a fatter, fuzzed up digital manner that allows the vocals to slow down and give off a forlorn feel. Mogwai strolling out of an Amsterdam cafe with A Hawk and a Hacksaw sums up the backdrop. It allows for the sisters to add their own vocal echo and inner searching. The number gets close to reaching epic blues proportions, falling just shy of the four minute mark. These two tracks speak of a depth of influences and a desire to explore other parts of pop music than pure melody. It’s refreshing just for that fact.

Rating: 3.5/5

[Puro Instinct Official Site]

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