One of my favorite bands, the Endless (also a great online shoe shop, but unrelated 🙂 ) has a fantastic idea for their next record. I can’t wait to hear this. Check out this press release:
Do you want to be a part of our next album? We are getting into the business of dream gathering. We want to hear about a dream of yours. The sleepy kind of dream. It can be a particularly mystical, frightening, or hilarious dream, whatever you’d like. Did you just roll out of bed from a crazy dream? Call the Endless Dream Line completely toll-free and share it with us!
We ask you to please feel free to forward this to anyone you think might like to do it. If you have children in your life who like to talk about their dreams, we’d love to hear from them as well.
When you call, please tell us your dream in the present tense, for example, “I am standing in my backyard and I see an astronaut parachute down and land on a fawn,” as opposed to, “I was standing in my backyard when I saw an astronaut parachute down and land on a fawn.”
In leaving your dream on our dream line, you are agreeing to your recording being included on future releases by the Endless. You will not receive compensation. If we use your dream and you would like your name credited in the liner notes for our upcoming album, please leave your name and spell it for us. You are free to remain anonymous if you choose.
Feel free to call back as many times as you like.
Please know that your dreams will be treated with utmost respect, love, and care, and will retire in style in roomy hard drives where they will spend time with only the finest musical neighbors.
Sleepily Yours,
Adriana and David
the Endless Please note that this line will only be open until December 31st, so please don’t wait to call and share with us.
I do hope that they get a great response from this. It sounds like such a cool project!!
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