Ajaia Suri News


I got an email from Jaia Suri the other day and it appears she’s changing her name…well, going back to her actual name, which is Ajaia. Here’s her explanation:

“I’m going back to my full, unabashed first name. Jaia, which has been my nickname since forever, means ‘victory’ in Sanskrit. Ajaia means ‘unstoppable victory’ so I’m going for the gusto”

Ajaia played our house concert series back in 2003 and she was amazing. What a talent.

Here’s the review and photos

Here’s her spotlight

Her new album is almost out, the title is yet to be decided but the working title is ‘Strawberry Hat’. I’ll be sure to let you know when the CD comes out.

Upcoming shows:Bazaar Cafe
Friday, August 18th
5927 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94121
With Jen SpoolFriday, Sept 15
Nomad Cafe
6500 Shattuck Ave (at 65th)
Oakland, CA 94609
with Fernando Tarango

Friday, Sept. 22
Coastline Brewry
120 Union St.
Santa Cruz, CA
with John Craigie

Visit her site

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