Album Review: A Perfect Dream by Sarah Fimm

Album Name: A Perfect Dream
Artist: Sarah Fimm
Year/Label: 2005 / Independent

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Review by Amy ElleProducer of Collected Sounds

This is a beautiful CD. Sarah Fimm’s piano playing is soothing and spooky at the same time. Her voice is lilting but strong, airy but gutsy. I don’t really know whom to liken her to, perhaps a spookier Tori Amos…maybe a little Terami Hirsch and Portishead thrown in. Part “girl and piano” and one part techno. But really quite original.

The ending up “Be Like Water”, moved into the beginning of “Wrong Side Up” and blew me away, I just wanted to keep replaying that song, it is just that gorgeous, but I knew I needed to (and wanted to) listen to the rest of the CD. I did, and the rest of the CD does not disappoint.

It’s evident that Fimm is fond of the voice over as she uses this technique in several songs, all very effectively.

“SETI” is an interesting track in that has voices discussing the possibility of life outside of ours on Earth layered over driving techno music.

“Spit Trap Ghetto” has a very wild and jazzy, cool sound. I also like the sexy “Lioness” where she purrs:

And how I circle you
Like a lioness
Licking her paws
Use your hands
Discover me

This CD covers a lot of styles very well. It’s all atmospheric and ambient, but you’ll find dabs of jazz, blues, rock, cabaret, and pop too.

If you like this kind of music you’ll love this CD.

Posted on November 5, 2002

Review by Digman

Lyrically Sarah Fimm is the musical definition of ‘word-lick’ intensity. Writing into places where most songs would never go and Singing into places – Poetry! A songstress of voice-focus lyrical life, Fimm writes thirteen-track and sings – A PERFECT DREAM.

Beginning with the minimal movement of impressionism (percussion) Fimm opens with “Be Like Water”. Stark naked in quality (the arrangement), but vocally fully clothed. “Alien Boys” (the fifth-track) is the expressionism of good abstract piano, which plays (actually she plays) gently into a ballad of full-spectrum vocal photography. And from the song “Spit Trap Ghetto” (the eighth-track) Fimm lyrically swings in tongue licking and voice kicking chromatic purity – both rhythmically expressive and singing(ly) beautiful…

Musically reproductive and voice structurally sound, Fimm writes (sings) to the listener thirteen human-tracks leading to – A Perfect Dream.

Outstanding musicians of ascending note: Sarah Fimm-Lead Vocals, Keyboards; Dana Oaks-Trumpet; Jim Perry-Drums; Mac Ritehey-Guitar; Michele Lane-Sax; Peter Geraghty-Bass and Beth Cohen-Tanbur.

Posted on November 5, 2002

Track Listing

1. Be Like Water
2. Wrong Side Up
3. Virus
5. Alien Boys
6. Smoke
7. David Johnson
8. Spit Trap Ghetto
9. Lioness
10. In the Red
11. A Perfect Dream
12. Shadows and Dust
13. Salvia Path

[Sarah Fimm Official Site]


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