Album Review: Catch & Release Soundtrack by Various Artists

Album Name: Catch & Release Soundtrack
Artist: Various Artists
Year/Label: 2007 / Sony

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Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds

First off, I was so excited about this movie. I adore Jennifer Garner (even though she is married to my Movie Star Boyfriend). But then it came out and got horrid reviews. I still have not seen it, but will get it on NetFlix just as soon as it’s out (I rarely go to movies anymore since I have a theater in my home). But anyway….

The soundtrack is great! There are some names I was already familiar with (Foo Fighers, Lemonheads, Gomez, Joshua Radin, Death Cab…, and Paul Westerberg) but there are some new ones as well, and they’re really good.

I especially like Peter Maclaggen’s “Leaving the Ground”. It’s got that sweet pop sound with harmonies and a real easy style.

Of course Joshua Radin makes me melt and his contribution, “What If You” is no exception. We all miss Elliot Smith, but Radin will do nicely in his place.

I am also grooving on The Swallows, I will have to check out more on them.

This is a really nice pop record that will no doubt convince you to buy records by many of these artists if you haven’t already. Most of the songs are very similar. Mellow, sweet pop songs. Which is cool, but a little more variety would have been welcome too.

The only other thing I would have liked to see is some female artists. This seems to be a movie geared toward women (I did NOT say Chick Flick, because I don’t think it is one) so it seems odd to me that there aren’t any women present on the record. But it’s still pretty good.

Posted on March 10, 2007

Update: Saw the movie, it was pretty awful!

Track Listing

1. Razor -Foo Fighters
2. My Drug Buddy- The Lemonheads
3. A Nest For Two- Blinker The Star
4. Mornings Eleven – The Magic Numbers
5. Pills – Gary Jules
6. Electrified And Ripe -Steve Durand
7. The Winding Staircase -New Radiant Storm King
8. Sky Signal -Audible
9. Leaving The Ground- Peter Maclaggan
10. What If You -Joshua Radin
11. These 3 Sins- Gomez
12. Resistance- Alaska!
13. Let The Bad Times Roll- Paul Westerberg
14. Turning Blue – The Swallows
15. What I Done- Andrew Rodriguez
16. Soul Meets Body -Death Cab For Cutie
17. There Goes The Fear- The Doves

[Catch & Release Soundtrack Official Site]


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