Album Review: Dream Yourself Awake by Belinda Bruce

Album Name: Dream Yourself Awake
Artist: Belinda Bruce
Year/Label: 2006 / Maximum Music

Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds

The first thing you’ll notice is that Belinda Bruce has a pretty unique voice. It’s sort of girly and sweet. Not whispery or wimpy at all, just higher in range.

The next thing I noticed is that a prominent instrument (at least one track one) is a banjo. You don’t hear that every day. But it matches the tone of the music perfectly. But don’t assume that means that this is bluegrass. It’s really more like quirky pop with an Americana twist.

The songs are upbeat for the most part with nicely catchy melodies.

The liner notes state that the record was recorded in their living room (with a control room in the kitchen). It doesn’t sound like a homemade record to me. Which shows how home recording has improved over the years. This is also why, even though my home came with a recording studio built in, we decided not to run it as a business, even though we wanted to. Everyone seems to be recording at home nowadays and if it comes out this good, there’s no reason to go “pro”. Of course, I’m no audiofile, I’m sure there are folks who would hear things I don’t. But it sounds fantastic to me.

If you’re looking for something a little out of the ordinary, your pop with a little extra splash, try “Dream Yourself Awake”.

Posted on April 6, 2006

Track Listing
1. Underground
2. Working Woman’s Hands
3. Dear One
4. Falling Star
5. Jimtown
6. Treasure Hunt
7. Twisted Lullaby
8. Patricia Ann
9. Dream

[Belinda Bruce Official Site]


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