Album Name: Gown
Artist: Jo Hamilton
Year/Label: 2010 / Poseidon Music
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Review by Anna Maria Stjärnell
Jo Hamilton is a singer with roots in Kenya and Jamaica, but she now lives in the U.K. Her new album is a focused and intriguing effort. It’s both dreamy and strong, and she has a splendid voice.
Pick Me Up has a strong energetic tune, and a superb lead vocal that invites comparisons with Björk.
How Beautiful is another song to make you swoon, as Hamilton sings angelically to a rhythmic backdrop. The song steadily rises to an exciting crescendo. She’s really and expressive singer and it shows well here.
All in Adoration sees her muse over a lovely melody.
Think of Me closes the album on a great note, a soft yet urgent melody propelling the gorgeous lead vocal. Jon Cotton plays wine glasses for a unique sound.
It’s an album that deserves to win many adoring fans.
Track Listing
1. Exist (Beyond My Wildest Dreams)
2. Pick Me Up
3. There It Is
4. How Beautiful
5. Deeper (Glorious)
6. Paradise
7. All In Adoration
8. Liatach
9. Mekong Song
10. Winter Is Over
11. Think Of Me