Album Name: Hold Onto This
Artist: Alyse Black
Year/Label: 2009 / Independent
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Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds
Most of the notes I made on this CD were that it was catchy. Maybe it’s just that I’ve heard this album so much they all sound familiar now. But it’s the kind of songwriting that feels comfortable and friendly right away.
The style is pop-ish folk. I guess. I hate to call everything folk, because to me folk is generally political. But I’m not sure what you call stuff that’s peppy, friendly, but not ‘Britney’, and not rock either. I’m open to ideas!
Her voice is cool. Not all that unique but that’s ok. Up in the Air (Not too Late) reminds me of Anne Heaton.
Stand out songs: Strange; Blood & Wine is cool, kind of a tinny, jangly cabaret sound. This one caught my ear more than a few times.
Cool record. I wish I had more to say about it, but I guess I have the end of the year mental block. :O
(note: I wrote this review in December)
Track Listing
1. Strange (Used Me Up)
2. Both Ways (Dream of You)
3. Forever Fairytales
4. Willowing
5. Into the Sunlight
6. Up in the Air (Not too Late)
7. B-17 Bomber Girl
8. Wild Child
9. To Please You (Where Did I Go?)
10. Super Hero
11. Blood & Wine
12. Hold onto This