Album Review: In the Name of the Mother…by Sanctity

Album Name: In the Name of the Mother the Daughter and the Holy Will
Artist: Sanctity
Year/Label: 2004 / Independent

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Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds

This CD came with a little vial of incense and clumsy me pulled it off the case and spilled it all over my living room floor. As I scooped it up quickly so the dogs didn’t get it, I got a whiff…mmmm…nice stuff. So I lit one of the broken pieces and put on the CD and closed my eyes. Melting….melting….

Sanctity’s music is in the same vein as Delerium and Enigma. It is peaceful, serene, sexy and hauntingly beautiful.

Every once in awhile a lyric might pull you out of the dream state as in “Art of Love when the singer (Isabelle Pascale Granet) purrs, “I’m not talking about f*cking…I’m not talking about coming…” but it’s a very sexy song.

This is a very nice CD, well produced and performed and will be an accent to any moment alone or with someone *wink wink* yes, yes, would be good background music for that as well.

Stand out songs “Prayer to the Virgin”, “The Ghost of You” and “Resurrect Me” which is sung partially in French.

Posted on May 19, 2004

Track Listing
1. The Will of the Incarnation
2. In the Name of the Mother…
3. Prayer to the Virgin
4. Art of Love
5. Resurrect Me
6. Amen
7. The Revolution is Being Meditated
8. Call Me Crazy
9. Wi’iyaye
10. Lines
11. The Ghost of You
12. Madness
13. Indigo
14. Infinity
15. Lovers
16. Namaste
17. The Will…

[Sanctity Official Site]


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