Album Name: Lost Men and Angry Girls
Artist: Audrey Auld Mezera
Year/Label: 2007 / Reckless Records
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Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds
The cover art makes me think I am going to be hearing some sort of ethereal lushly layered, ambient pop. But surprisingly, this is really pretty country. I love the cover, don’t get me wrong, I just don’t think it matches the music all that well. But it’s lovely. Who cares?
Knowing I am not a huge fan of country (tho’ I do surprise myself sometimes) there was a little note on my copy saying “Warning! There are a few country tracks on this album…but not exclusively!” which made me smile. But luckily, it’s the kind of country I like.
I find that with each listen I gain more fondness for this record. It’s really getting into my brain. I wish I had heard it sooner, because I am sure it would have made it onto my year-end list for 2007.
I sort of want to call her Americana but she’s Australian. She sure has an ear for American music, however. She refers to herself as Ameri-kinda, perfect!
I love the song Buck Hungry. It’s fun and clever. And Very catchy.
Not I is sort of cruel, but then again, we don’t know who she is singing this to, likely someone who has hurt her greatly. ‘who will mourn you when you die? Not I, not I’ But it’s beautifully written and heartfelt and is lushly layered and dirgy and very very cool. (Note: a blurb on CDBaby says the subject is a stalker).
I do love Dublin Boy, which is a nice sort of Irish jig. I feel like I want to sing along with a big beer in my hand.
I can’t believe this is her seventh record and I’ve only just heard of her. Now I have to go back and order all her previous ones! If you like your folksy music with a bit of a twang check this out.
Posted on January 29, 2008
Track Listing
Listen to track samples while you read
1. Bolinas
2. Morphine
3. Last Seen In Gainesville
4. Buck Hungry (with Bill Chambers)
5. Looking For Luckenbach
6. Half A World Away (with Nina Gerber)
7. We Cry
8. Clinch Mountain Prayer (with Bill Chambers)
9. Down In A Hole
10. Not I (with Raechel Lee)
11. Self-Help Helped Me
12. Dublin Boy (with Karl Broadie)
13. Lullaby For Baby Taylor
[Audrey Auld Mezera Official Site]