Album Review: Paperbacks & Photographs by Blue Background

Album Name: Paperbacks & Photographs
Artist: Blue Background
Year/Label: 2003 / Independent

Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds

Milwaukee’s Blue Background is Maggie Tielker (keyboards/vocals) Sarah Mick (guitar/vocals), Chris Christen (Bass) and Carlyle Nowak (Drums/Percussion).

The voices are sweet and peppy with nice harmonies. The music is melodic and poppy. These are songs that might be popular with fans of The Bue Sisters… there’s anything wrong with that. There is certainly a market for solid pop music and there always will be. It’s not out to change the world, just to have fun.

They do a nice version of Bill Withers’ classic “Ain’t No Sunshine” which is a always great song in my opinion.

Other standouts are opening track, “Lied” and “Losing LA”.

If you let it play, when you get to track 21 you’ll get a bonus song and if you let it go to 22 you’ll get a drum solo. Nice touch.

Good fun pop CD!

Posted on December 18, 2003

Track Listing
1. Enough
2. Stop
3. Running Races
4. Lied
5. Paperbacks & Photographs
6. Losing L.A.
7. Don’t Change
8. All the Things I Never Told You
9. Ain’t No Sunshine
10. Long Road
11. All I Want
12. The Downfall

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