Album Name: Screaming from the Top of My Bunk Bed
Artist: Mellie Lou
Year/Label: 2004 / Independent
Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds
Mellie Lou has one of those girlie-ish voices so that was the thing that hit me first. That and that I sensed a sour note right away, but luckily that didn’t repeat again on this CD.
The first few lines of “Complain” sounds so much like “To Sir With Love” (the melody not the lyrics) that it’s alarming. But it melts into a lovely song with nice guitar picking. Albeit a tiny tune, clocking in at only 1:13. Short and sweet.
There is a lot to like about this CD. The cover art is adorable, as is her name (and her face if the photos inside are any indication) and the name of the CD is intriguing. Plus it says “Explicit Content” on the cover so you know I’ll like it. (She uses the effenheimer once and there’s a ‘shit’ in there somewhere too).
This is nice guitar driven folk music in a lovely package.
Stand Out songs: “You Came” and “Ooooh Mama”
Posted on December 20, 2004
Track Listing
1. Touch
2. Knocked Down
3. You Came
4. Complain
5. Captain
6. Ooooh Mama
7. Bleedin’ Hearts
8. Pay My Rent
9. Brokenheartedblue
Rating: 5 Stars
Comment: I too find “ooh mama” to be an outstanding track, in addition to the last track, “brokenhearted blue”. This CD contains alot of great harmonizing vocals and interesting layers, although it is definitely on the rough side. I liked its ambiguously intriguing lyrics and driving pulse. It grows on you the more you listen to it.
name: cindy ophenheisen on Thursday, January 13, 2005