Album Name: Sitting in the Catbird Seat
Artist: Marie MacGillis and the Model Millionaires
Year/Label: 2009 / Sutcliffe Music
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Review by Anna Maria Stjärnell
Marie MacGillis and her band make retro, very happy jazz with songs that are mostly classics. The playing is vivacious and MacGillis is a winning presence throughout. I’m reminded of the equally adorable Janet Klein at times.
I’ll Close My Eyes is a bit sad, but still keeps a light, cheerful mode.
There’ll Be Some Changes Made is thrillingly upbeat, MacGillis imbuing the song with her typical sass.
Honeysuckle Rose gets a laidback, cool reading with some piano and upright bass.
Are you making any money? is one of the lesser-known songs, and it’s humorous and spirited. MacGillis’ vocal is just great here.
This is a good record to put on when you need to have your spirits lifted.
Track Listing
1. From Monday On
2. I’ll Close My Eyes
3. After You’ve Gone
4. There’ll Be Some Changes Made
5. Blue Skies
6. The Stuff is Here
7. Honeysuckle Rose
8. Deep Purple
9. When I Get Low I Get High
10. You Were Meant for Me
11. Are you Making Any Money?
12. Slumming on Park Ave
13. I Can’t Give You Anything But Love
14. Goodnight My Love
[Marie MacGillis and the Model Millionaires Official Site]