Album Review: The Opposite Of by Renee Cologne

Album Name: The Opposite Of
Artist: Renee Cologne
Year/Label: 2007 / Independent

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Review by Anna Maria Stjärnell

There are records that are immediately arresting. This is one of them. Renee Cologne has a wide screen, luminous sound. Her second CD is a masterful work.

The opener “Tired” is a minor symphony with lush strings surrounding Cologne’s vivid vocals.

The cinematic feel continues with “Roses”. The song strays into Portishead territory with big dramatic beats and an undulating melody.

The laidback “Sylvia Says” is an evocative pop song.

“Let Myself Alone” is bluesy and sinuous. Cologne has a grittier vocal delivery here. She seems to enjoy taking common blues phrases and doing her own spin on them.

Techno-ish beats adorn “Nap” and make it a memorable song.

“The Opposite Of” is an inspired and complex record

Posted on December 14, 2002

Track Listing
Listen to track samples
Listen to track samples
1. Tired
2. Roses
3. Sylvia Says
4. Mars
5. Mad Hatter
6. Need
7. Let Myself Alone
8. Nap
9. Sciatica
10. Opposite Of
11. Green Pillows (bonus Track)

[Renee Cologne Official Site]


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