Album Review: Who Do You Suppose You Are by Dina Maccabee

Album Name: Who Do You Suppose You Are
Artist: Dina Maccabee
Year/Label: 2010/ Antephonic

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Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds

What I already know of Dina Maccabee is that she played violin with Vienna Teng for awhile and that’s how I met her. Then I heard about her duo with Jesse Olson, [Ramon and Jessica] and they put out a few cool, indie, Juno-soundtrack-type type songs.

So I wasn’t sure what to expect with her solo record but I was pretty sure I’d like it.

That sweet voice is still there. The songs are minimal (and I don’t mean that negatively) with shades of her songs with Ramon and Jessica. But these have a little more going on than what I’ve heard of her previous works.

On her MySpace page she calls this “Sad songs that rock” and this lyric certainly lives up to that: “Build me a house and I’ll fill it with sadness.” Sung over swoony swirly guitars (or is that a banjo?).

It’s a pretty cool record, though it’s quirky enough not to be for everyone.

Track Listing

1. The Appointment
2. Hi Yo
3. In Your Galaxy
4. Far Away
5. Soon We Will All Be Forgotten
6. Why Did You Have to Go and Do That
7. Like Dew in the Sun
8. Driving is Fun
9. Build Me a House

[Dina Maccabee Official Site]

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