I’ve been getting a bunch of MP3s lately to share with you. I thought I’d save ’em all up and hit ya all at once.
First up…Kathryn Williams has signed a new deal with the One Little Indian and will release The Quickening on July 6th in North America. [Little Lesson] by Kathryn Williams.
Julie Ann Bee is an epically rare musician who has crafted three CDs, with the kind of intuitive knowing and organic talent that defies logic and defines great artists.
[Marmelade] by Sea of Bees.
[Ghost of an Earthworm] by Loch Lamond from their new, Night Bats.
[Legionnaire] by Abandoned Pools. Tommy Walter used to be in The Eels.
[Do Right] by Megan McCormick from her album, Honest Words (out in August).
Visit [Kill Beat’s Site] for Rae Spoon and get a handful of MP3s there.
Gaelic Storm is a Celtic inspired, bluegrass rooted rock outfit. Their newest album Cabbage will be released on August 3.
[Raised on Black and Tan]
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