July 2008 Newsletter

What’s New at Collected Sounds (Lots!)

Well, how do you like that? It’s July and time for another newsletter. Of course…maybe you noticed…I never sent one out for June either. Whoopsie.

If you would like to receive this newsletter in email form, please subscribe by sending an email to:
or if you wish to subscribe to the house concerts list

In this issue:
**Parlor Parties**
**Album Reviews**

Things are changing…or have changed, I should say. I have decided that it’s not necessary (or good for my mental health) to run the regular website, the Parlor Parties site, and the blog. Since the blog is updated frequently and gets more visitors it won out. So the other websites will be slowly fading away over time. However, all the info that is there will be moved to the blog. It’s just going to take me a very long time.
I have moved over all the Parlor Parties stuff, concert reviews, and interviews and am starting on the album reviews. I have done 2008, 2007 and 2000. I will not remove anything from the main site until it’s all on the blog location.
So far I am liking this much better. Everything is in one place, it’s updated frequently, and easy to find new stuff, etc. So from now on you will find me and all my discoveries, reviews, interviews, etc. HERE!! I hope you visit often and comment and all that good stuff. This is your community and I’d love for you to take part in it!

This means of course, that the newsletter will be different. I’m just going to give out a non-detailed list of the reviews and basically mention some things coming up and new discoveries and stuff like that. I will still try and include a joke or a recipe ; ) (note: the joke/recipe is only on the newsletters sent by email)

**Parlor Parties**
Our next show is [Edie Carey ]on July 19th, 2008 at 8pm.

The last show we have booked (so far) is [Kyler England with Special Guest Adrianne] August 23rd, 2008 at 8pm

Dave interviewed [Thea Gilmore] (lucky!):

I discovered [Olga Nunes]. I’ve been listening to her all day. She’s really cool. She posted a one minute song on her site three times a week for the month of June. Really beautiful stuff.

**Album Reviews**
Here are the album reviews we did:
[Can also see it here]

Fools and Orphans by Jo Gabriel
Sonic Diary by Costanza
Lucky Penny by Julia Francis
Dreams Of Breathing Underwater by Eliza Carthy
Rose EP by Rose
Join Us by Katie Stelmanis
Bittersweet Constrain by Jill Tracy
Rachel Sierra Project
Getalife by Olga Kouklaki
Shatter Queen by Jayme Dawicki
Don’t Tell by Kathleen Haskard
Nine Heavens by Niyaz
The Vigil by Alice Bierhorst
Guts and Garbage by Kirsten Price
Ashes by Buddahead
100 Years of Silence by So A.D.D
Nothing Sweet Nothing by Kym Tuvim
Imagina by Karrin Allyson
What’s in the Box by Vermillion Lies
Say Goodnight by Annabella
Are You Listening Now by Sarah VonderHaar

(if you were an email subscriber, here you’d see a joke or a recipe…I’m just sayin’)

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