Album Review: Bring Me the Workhorse by My Brightest Diamond

Album Name: Bring Me the Workhorse
Artist: My Brightest Diamond
Year/Label: 2006 / Asthmatic Kitty

[Buy at Amazon]

Review by Anna Maria Stjärnell

Shara Worden once fronted Awry, now she’s started this mesmeric band. Their debut is startling and alive and Worden’s vocals are at the center of these art pop songs.

Something of an End is a collision of ethereal vocals and a sturdier backing.

Gone Away is delicate yet impossibly haunting as Worden’s voice takes flight like no one has since Jeff Buckley died.

“You’ve gone away where there isn’t a telephone wire
yet I wait by the phone” she intones, giving hopeless longing a voice.”

The frenetic pace and the wailing of Freak Out makes it live up to its title.

The Robin Jar has a steady tempo and unveils its magical tale slowly.

My Brightest Diamond live up to their name and then some.

Posted on October 30, 2006

Amy’s Note: I am reposting this today because I’ve recently discovered this record for myself and am greatly enjoying it. Once again, I am kind of late to the game! But I’ve heard so many mentions of them recently, that I broke down and got this without even hearing them first, and I really love it.

Track Listing

1. Something of an End
2. Golden Star
3. Gone Away
4. Dragonfly
5. Freak Out
6. We Were Sparkling
7. Disappear
8. The Robin’s Jar
9. Magic Rabbit
10. The Good & The Bad Guy
11. Workhorse

[My Brightest Diamond Official Site]


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