Album Name: Luckiest Girl
Artist: Rosey
Year/Label: 2008 Quango Fontana
[Buy at Amazon]
Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds
I reviewed Rosey’s previous release called Dirty Girl and despite it being mainstream and dancy I adored it. I even got extra copies to hand out to friends who had heard it at my house and also loved it. When I heard she had gone jazz and was very intrigued. I could totally see her voice lending itself to this genre so I’m glad she took this direction.
This album does not disappoint. Perhaps because I already know the song, but I really like her new rendition of Love which was on the other record. It was great before, it’s great now.
She has a very smooth sexy style (hello? That cover?) that is very appealing.
The songs I liked on the previous release were ones where she used a bit of discord or at least minor notes, and she does that again here. Notably on My Love.
I think my favorite song is the title track, Luckiest Girl. The melody is addictive. I keep wanting to hit repeat.
This is a unique release and for that I am grateful. I’ve been hearing so much lately that sounds just like everything else. This is a new fresh sound that I think many of you will find refreshing and wonderful.
Track Listing
1. It’s a Ruse
2. Who Am I
3. Love
4. I Remember
5. My Love
6. Those Eyes
7. Be Somebody Blues
8. Luckiest Girl
9. It’s Easier On Me
10. Hand In Hand
11. First Time
12. The Old Fashioned Way
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