Album Review: Proxima Centuri by Blueberry Belle

Album Name: Proxima Centuri
Artist: Blueberry Belle
Year/Label: 2008 / Independent

[Buy at Agar Records]

Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds

Firstly, ‘blueberry’ is one of my favorite words. I don’t even like the actual fruit all that much, but the word just makes me happy. So I had a feeling I would like this just by that and by looking at the packaging and the nice handwritten letter than came with it. It’s all very artistic. Someone that has gorgeous handwriting and draws all over the envelope and letter is someone who can create the kind of music I dig. I knew that before even listening and I was right. I also love that on her MySpace page she labels her music; “Glam / Bluegrass / Death Metal” …it’s really none of those things so I like her sense of humor as well.

Blueberry Belle is Jana Risher. She is a multi-instrumentalist in the true sense of the word, she plays drums and bass simultaneously…yes, at the same time.

This record is chalk full of weird sounds, interesting rhythms and a generally cool vibe. It’s instrumental so it’s a little hard for me to describe with much more detail since most of what I pay attention to in song is lyrics and voice. But that’s not to say this doesn’t work for me because it does. I really like it. It’s just hard to know what to say about it.

It’s very well done, the songs are intricate and interesting and I think they’d be great as a backdrop for a film. Something odd and amazing, think David Lynch.

Posted on April 18, 2008

Track Listing
Listen to track samples while you read
1. Intuition
2. Quantum Eraser
3. Shipwreck
4. Sub Dio
5. Octopoda
6. Still
7. Circus Town
8. Sleepy Hollow
9. He Said
10. Low And Blue
11. Muddy River
12. Way Of Life

[Blueberry Belle Official Site]

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