These are the albums I had in my rotation as of December 27th that I wanted to review, I just didn’t have the time. So I’m doing mini-reviews of these all in one post.

Wailing female voices, and what I think is a harpsichord(?) Really cool.
There was a video game I played back in the mid 90s. I really loved the music in that and it lent a lot to the atmosphere. This really reminds me of that. It’s cool and spooky and definitely atmospheric.
Perfect for horror movie soundtrack. I could play it on Halloween outside, pumped into the neighborhood. Watchout Uptown Minneapolis. I have plans for you!

I really like this one. I don’t know why I haven’t been able to write more. It’s a super cool album with great vocals and well written songs. This is a prime example of why just because I didn’t cover it right away doesn’t mean I don’t like it. Because in the case of this one, I really do.

[Buy at Bandcamp]
[Bodhi Jones Official Site]
Bodhi Jones has a voice that is very comforting. The music is slightly Americana but with a pop edge. He reminds me a titch of the Gin Blossoms. I like.

[Bern & the Brights Official Site]
Lead singer, Catherine McGowan’s voice is a little affected and reminds me of Gwen Stefani. I love the name of the record though. I don’t know what it means, but it’s fun to say. I particularly like the track, Sangria Peaches. It’s very catchy. This is a fun record.

[Artificial Sea Official Site]
The Artificial Sea is Kevin C. Smith and Alina Simone. I expected this to be ambient pretty, and while it’s not exactly rockin, it’s lo-fi and quirky. It’s more background music, but still interesting. I like it, and would like to be able to give it more eartime, but alas…the year is almost up! Moving along…

[The Comforters Official Site]
I reviewed their 2006 release back then. I also sat on that one for a few months but I liked it and I like this one as well. I still am enamored with the voice of Pia Robbins, it really is lovely. The second song, The Fall of Fall really shows it off. It’s a pretty song as is the rest of the record. Some of the songs are a bit more peppy and have a slight Americana twist.

I really like Taking the Sun. It reminds me of another artist but I can’t place it. Blueberry song is cool too, has a lot of distortion on it. Quiet Hours is nice and, well, quiet. Folksy but with an edge.

Don’t get this mixed up with the EP of the same name that came out in 1982. While they both have the song that made them famous (88 Songs about 44 women), this is a full length album that was released in 2009. These guys have been around for a very long time (we’re talking the 70s). This is a fun album of re-mastered and bonus tracks for those of us who remember the 80s fondly. Mr CollectedSounds especially likes this one.

This is an odd one. Echoey vocals, rhythmic compositions. Sounds a little Arabian or middle Eastern of some kind. Really cool, moody. Interesting melodies. I can’t say it’s driving music or anything. But it’s nice to relax to. Instrumental.

It reminds me of some 70s hippy pop but I can’t place it. Maybe it’s not that old. Maybe a little bit Club 8. The vocals by Andriette Redmann are sweet and whispery, unison and harmonies both. Dark Eyes is very pretty. Life Bubbling is a duet with Pat DiNizio from The Smithereens. Fun sunshiny pop music.

Another good atmospheric, moody one. New agey, instrumental. Makes me think of summer…napping in the sun. A bit repetitive, but aren’t they usually in this genre? It’s peaceful.

[Michael William Gilbert Official Site]
Instrumental as well. Not as sleepy as some of the others I have in my rotation. This one’s a little more theatrical. That is, I can see it as a musical backdrop for a film. Feels like each song is a story. I assume most instrumental pieces are striving for this, but whether I’m too dense or this one is just better at it, I don’t know. But in this case, I get it. Perhaps it’s the song titles, they seem to tell a story themselves.

I’ve gotten a lot of instrumental piano albums this year. I tried to review them, but to be honest, what do you say after, “It’s pretty and sleepy.” ? I always fall back on my excuse that I am not a musician therefore not really qualified to say much more than that on an instrumental album. But this really is beautiful. There’s also some strings involved, it’s not just piano, but piano is definitely the forefront. It’s going on my Sleepy Rotation (I sleep to music).

I really like this. For some reason it didn’t end up in my rotation until December even though I received it in October. Sorry, Ms Higgs! This is a little bit quirky and fun. She has a cheerful voice (while the subject matter may not be) and the songs are rhythmic and toe-tapping.

[Antonette Gorosh Official Site]
Antonette Gorosh used to be in Leisl’s Wet Dress, which Anna Maria reviewed back in 2002. I seem to recall that album being kind of edgy 60s pop so I was expecting a similar vibe here. Well, that’s not the case. This is actually pretty twangy. Truthfully I prefer edgy pop to twang, but she’s talented so it’s all good. I guess I can kind of see the progression.

[Monica Pasqual Official Site]
Monica Pasqual is part of a band I reviewed here awhile ago called Blame Sally. (She also sent me their new one). I remembered Blame Sally as a pretty rockin group so I was expecting something similar with Ms Pasqual’s record. Not so! It’s actually a bit ambient and is quite pretty. It’s more folky pop (more pop than folk). It’s quite good and one I’ll keep listening to for awhile yet.

K so I mentioned that I’d reviewed them in the past and that they were rockin and all, right? Well, surprise surprise here too…they’ve shifted their sound a bit. Granted the other album was live and that often makes a difference. But they seem to have mellowed a bit. They’re good, it’s just different than what I expected. But I like it quite a bit. They still have some upbeat songs though, Hurricane for one. The mellow and slightly hauning, Vera Chiesa is probably my favorite.

This is one I really wish I’d had more time with. I expect it will remain in my regular rotation because I really like it. She has a soft sleepy voice that sounds effortless. The songs are well written both lyrically and musically. I also think it’s cool how she set it up: The record is made up of 5 suites with three songs within each one. This is one of my favorites of this batch.