Album Name: Where the Last Tide Runs: Three songs from Haida Gwaii
Artist: Sheila K. Cameron
Year/Label: 2009 / Independent
[Buy at Amazon]
Review by Amy Lotsberg Producer of Collected Sounds
This has been in my shuffle for quite some time now. But I never had any notes on it. I think maybe my Win Amp doesn’t like it because I honestly don’t think it’s ever played any of these songs. So I’m giving it some one on one time. Just like the dating shows do.
This is a short little EP containing only three songs. There’s something a little theatrical to the vocal style of Sheila K. Cameron.
Haida Gwaii is a set of islands in British Columbia which inspired these tunes. It’s also known as Queen Charlotte islands. It sounds like a beautiful place.
The songs are like little stories. Two were written in the early 70s and just haven’t seen the light of day until now. They’re part of a larger collection of unheard music. Her note states that she’s mostly sung other people’s songs, so I gather this is a way to get her feet wet singing and releasing her own material. I don’t know who’s songs she sang before, but these are lovely and I encourage her to let more of these babies out into the world.
Track Listing
1 The House With the Windows
2 Remembering MrT
3 Where the Last Tide Runs
[Sheila K. Cameron Official Site]
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