Album Review: Here and Now by Katrina Carlson


Album Name: Here and Now

Artist: Katrina Carlson

Year/Label: 2007 / Kataphonic Records

Is it me, or does Katrina Carlson look like a young Jane Fonda on the cover? A quick glance at her site tells me it’s just that photo, but I can’t help thinking that each time I look at it.

This record is what I call “polished pop”. It has a very mainstream, major label sound yet it is an indie release. Which means that she has a really solid production team.

Carlson has a really strong pop voice. I can’t say it’s all that unique, but it is a good match for this music.

One interesting note: She does a cover of Howard Jones’ classic, No One is to Blame and Jones himself sings back up. It’s a really nice version of a great old song.

It’s a little too mainstreamy to be something I personally would choose to listen too often, but she’s good.

Track Listing

1 Be The One
2 Here and Now
3 First to Say Goodbye
4 Daisy In Chains
5 No One is to Blame (feat. Howard Jones)
6 Lost
7 When You Kiss Me
8 Break My Fall
9 The Secret
10 Enough
11 Feel For Me
12 Some Small Way

[Katrina Carlson Official Site]

[Buy at CD Baby]

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