Album Review: Naked Time by Diana Darby

Album Name: Naked Time
Artist: Diana Darby
Year/Label: 2000 / Independent

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Review by Anna Maria Stjärnell

Diana Darby’s debut caused quite a stir and rightly so. The singer’s hushed vocals and immediate melodies are great.

The sparse, dreamy “Junebug” has a dark side to it that makes it very suggestive.

In “Sarah” Darby sings

“Whoever told you life was fair
never spent too much time
sitting in the electric chair”.

This continues the records descent into darkness. The music is strangely upbeat despite this.

“Please” is a little lighter in tone and its gentle sound is very appealing.

“She Won’t be Quiet” is a song about a girl who wont be pushed around. The song is aggressive in its tone and is great to sing along to.

The closing song “Amelia” has a theme of resignation and is very moving.

“Naked Time” has a lot of weighty times and may not be for all tastes. But for those who don’t mind a challenge it’s unmissable.

Posted on May 10, 2003

Track Listing
1. Junebug
2. Sarah
3. Malcolm’s Song
4. Please
5. Sweet Conversation
6. She Wont Be Quiet
7. Ragdoll
8. Black Dog

[Diana Darby Official Site]


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